Saturday, June 11, 2011

Last week. After china trip.................

Was a DISASTER WEEK for me. Need to catch up all the one whole week's assignments that I missed. Having sleepless night EVERYDAY.
Sunday & Monday doing paku-paku for Tuesday.
Tuesday doing History boards for Wednesday.
Wednesday drew 5 sheets of shapes for Thursday.
And lastly, Thursday drawing 5schemes of designs for Friday submission.
Crazy isn't it? then till Saturday = collapsed. Damn bloody tired the whole week.
Sunday - 29/5/11
Dinner @ a korean restaurant in Solaris.
*ignore the salad* haha

Sunday & Monday hard work. End product. :
Was really funny that I dont have enough nails on the monday nidnight, where the submission is on Tuesday. Really.......................speechless! Luckily my saviour, KJ brought me a whole big bag of nails the next morning. =D

Wednesday, doing history the whole night before. Finally cannot finish aso. Just finish 1, while the another only haf. haizh. But my lecturer is very nice. She told me to pass up the following week and do some touch up on it. ^^ Appreciate.
Thursday, drew the basic forms the whole nighht again. Ended up knowing that I did everything wrongly. I was damn bloody frustrated for the first 10mins. But when I turned back to Pei's table, HAHHAHAHA she's funny. LOL
Friday, my first SWA duty. Bored. Followed by a meeting after that, end at 6pm.
Can you spot what's wrong with this monitor. I didn't take the pic upside down, but the screen of the monitor really does. haha
Then headed to Delicious for PekHua's delayed delayed & delayed birthday celebration. Sorry PekHua! n HAPPY BIRTHDAY. <3
Again, the noisiest customers. HAHA.
WeiJan : Yanxian, lower you volume. I can hear your echo.
Yanxian : ==
I had a great day as everyone did. ^^ I think we should hang out at least one month once. So that we could keep updated. Right SoonYee???????? hehehe
the waiter really tak tau take picture. ==
Saturday - 4th June
It's Agung Birthday. And Ervin cancelled the 'clubbing thgy' bcz of this.. hahahah.. Just joking~
We had a great dinner at The Duck King. Guess what we ate, Peking Roast Duck! haha.. Just to compare the taste with the originally Peking Duck back in Beijing. xD
Sunday, stayed at home doing nonstop assignments.