Sunday, August 29, 2010


The moments when I,
used to lie on EC's arm when I'm bored,
do stretching and make weird sound,
scream suddenly,
like to 'usik' PH,
tak tau malu,
make lame jokes which i realised that YY would laugh on it(haha!),
make 'Boo' which eventually fails,
The moments when you ppl,
be my listener,
lend a helping hand when i really need,
console me when I'm emo,[this is always WJ's job~]
entertain me eventhough i'm lame,
sick with me stupid jokes,
and lots lots more~~
The moments when we,
gather, talk, do stuffs together,
sharing is so important in life.
When we share, we eventually gain more.
I recall back the time when we practised day & nite for our big day~
[I saw the photos in my pendrive~]
it's fun!
I too realised that I'm way outdated when I talk to you,
I realised that I'm so stupid compared to you,
I realised that I'm eventually talk too much when I see RJ is so quiet when girls gathered to talk..
but there's no way to change my 'style'.. haha~
i'm an optimist.. so for me, whatever..
No matter what had happen, what have thgs changed,
memories can't be deleted.
I cherish it.
*LN, I still never forget how we used to be best friends.
Appreciate you friends especially when you'll gonna leave the skul in few months time..
Love you guys~
hmm~ after all, this is still the Yanxian that you ppl know..
and thanks for spending you little time to read this crap. xD
p/s : Finally I bought my watch after few months[nearly a year] to find my mr. right.. haha
thx dadi mumi~ ^^
pp/s : I'm gonna be so dead tmr.. help~~


Anonymous said...

me too!
I will never forget the moments we spent together.
Sumthing tht i should tell ü earlier, which is you are my best fren ever~=)

i'm so damn happy when i saw my name up there!=D
i love this post so much!hehe!

Sure i will miss ü all after graduate!
Love you guys too!^^

*i always want to say sorry
sorry wat i did last few years

xiAn_ said...

LOL.. haha..
both of us also got wrong..
don't say that..
make me want to cry~

good Luck & all the best!
let's work hard and fight for our future!
