Monday, January 2, 2012

2012's first post. 11.39pm

I edited half way. Just couldn't finish the entire post.
So I start with a new one. ==
2011 was a huge transformation for me.
Sad things was uncountable, but always balanced along with lots of sweet memories.
#The thing that I regret the most in 2011 is .......................... I'm still single!
nahh just joking, not that desperate yet. is..... I DIDN'T BUY THE CONVERSE BACKPACK THAT I SAW DURING THE VISIT TO BEIJING! omg!! it's been like 6months and I still damn sad till now. haizh!
Whatever it is, Happy New Year !
For me, it's a tough year ahead.
I'll just wait and see what my 2012 happens to be.
_Live is hard!


Anonymous said...

wahaha! ur regret makes me laugh~

xiAn_ said...

lol. which regret you meant? haha

Anonymous said...

the only regret u mentioned in ur post XD hahaha