gosh.. haven't finish memorise..
i'm still in bidang3.. omg!
woke up at 2.30am jz now..
2.30.. cz i slept early ytd.. haha~
nothing to comment bout today's exam..
overall everythg was going fine..
except the summary where i wrote a lot of nonsense..
went early to tuition cz no wushu class today..
i think it was the biggest mistake of the day..
i was so bored.. doesn't know wat to do..
wanna read moral but it jz doesn't go into my mind..
forget it..
i'm so suffering while in the bio class..
gt stuck between them..
one sitting in front of me n another at my back..
so uncomfortable with the pressures tat approching me.. My God!
summore someone was applying the minyak angin in the air-cond room..
making the atmosphere even harder to breathe..
xian is gasping for air!!
ended up with these pics :
the kecemerlangan thg tat the management pasted on the board..
jz noticed it today.. haha^^
p/s : wanna continue moral ady.. good luck to me!
p/s : i guess i will cry out if i stay there longer.. i meant it! no one would understand my feelings tat moment..
wat a gud mark ya..
high percentage nehxx..haha
haha~ paiseh neh~~
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