Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Time to NUT UP or SHUT UP!

a nice mv though..
better than FD4..
most of the audience are malays..
i'm not racist.. but they jz kept screaming inside the hall..
==! omg~
their dialogues are funny.. haha!
Qoutes from Zombieland,
Tallahassee: We got taken hostages by a twelve-year-old?
Columbus: Well, girls mature way faster than boys.
1. [after his neighbour changes into a zombie] The first girl I let into my life and she tries to eat me.
2. F**k this clown [He's actlly gt phobia of clown]
1. I'm not great at farewells, so uh... that'll do, pig.
2. Time to nut up or shut up.
3. [Searching for Twinkies] Where are ya, you spongy, yellow, delicious bastards! (he's obsessed in twinkies.. bread-like thg~)
4. [after being taken hostage by Little Rock] Don't shoot me with my own gun!
Columbus_Wichita_Little Rock_
They were actlly naming themselves with the places relates to them.. haha!
The movie was very entertaining and funny… in a lame way!!
Was basically LOL-ing throughout the whole movie!
Well, why not give it a try when u are free.. haha~!

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